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Blue Book Members: Submit Your Research Request

General News

Blue Book Online Services (BBOS) is an extensive searchable web site available for Blue Book Members. There, you can search by company name, location, rating, product, species, and more.

There are over 22,000 listings that are exclusive to the lumber and forest products industry, however, you may find times where a specific company you’re looking for is not showing yet in the BBOS database.

The Blue Book team is ready to help! All you need to do is submit a research request on the web site, and we will do the research for you, leading to a new Blue Book listing that you can review and then download a Business Report about the company.

Submitting a research request is easy. Login to the web site at and then at the bottom of the page, click on the “Feedback” link. Choose the feedback type of “Suggest a Company to Research” and fill out any details about the company that you know, then click “Submit.”

We receive these research requests throughout the day and will get to work on finding out more information about the company right away. We can normally get the company listed within a day’s time.

To learn more about this feature of Blue Book Online Services (BBOS), please contact our Customer Service team