Madison’s Sawmill Listings Lumber Directory Now Available

The integration of Madison’s Sawmill Lumber Listings Directory with Blue Book Services’ Lumber Blue Book directory has been completed and is now available for purchase! The combined dataset contains over 23,000 headquarter listings and over 8,000 branch listings, for companies throughout the supply chain, including primary sawmills, wholesalers, secondary remanufacturers, importers, exporters, and lumber yards.
The same expertly researched and thoroughly cross-referenced business information Madison’s has provided customers for decades is now enhanced with Lumber Blue Book’s sophisticated online platform and its directory coverage throughout North America.
No Other Sawmill Directory Contains So Much Valuable Information!
Let Madison’s and Blue Book Services help you find all the lumber you need. Our combined database, available with any Lumber Blue Book service level, is far more than just a list of names and addresses. We show you which companies produce what products, then put you in touch with sales managers and key contacts in the North American forest products industry. Subscribing to our service will prove its value to you every single day, because we designed it to make your job easier.
All the information you need 24 hours a day, available at your fingers with just the push of a button:
Updated daily, the in-depth directory of lumber companies will be delivered in a simple online dashboard tool,
designed to easily search, view, save, and print.
“Madison’s Online Lumber Directory is far more than just a list of names and addresses. It is the most expertly researched and thoroughly cross-referenced directory available on the Canadian forest industry,” explained Keta Kosman, Publisher of Madison’s Lumber Reporter. “Madison’s shows you who produces what, then puts you in touch with sales managers and key contacts in the Canadian lumber manufacturing and forest products industry.”
Utilize our robust search engine to mine prospects throughout the supply-chain:
-View individual facility operations on a single screen
-The database can be filtered, searched, and sorted
-Filters can be saved for quick and easy drill-downs to the exact companies you need to reach
-Individual page entries are printable
Don’t miss out on this vital information!
-what you need to plan your investment strategy in the dimension lumber and timber industries
-foreshadows spot shortages, overages, and balance of supply with demand
-the latest on North American solid wood and paper companies
-presented in a simple online dashboard tool
-available at your fingertips 24 hours a day
Contact our office any time to learn more:
The information tool for your forest management and investment planning decisions.
For further details go here:
“Over the years and decades, Madison’s has received repeated requests from customers to expand the Directory to include sawmills in the US,” detailed Kosman. “This agreement with Blue Book Services helps Madison’s efficiently deliver on that industry need.”
Find all the lumber and wood products you need!
“We are excited to strengthen Lumber Blue Book by adding the valuable information Madison’s has been reporting for decades in their Online Lumber Directory,” said Mark Erickson, Sr. Vice President for Blue Book Services. “Combining our respective directories will deliver exceptional value to industry professionals that need a trusted resource to navigate these turbulent times.”
The combined database is available now. For more information and to subscribe, please visit or call Madison’s at 604-319-2266 or Blue Book Services at 630-668-3500.
About Blue Book Services
Established in 1901, Blue Book Services, Inc. is the leader of timely, accurate, and reliable credit and business information for the forest products industry and fresh produce industry. Suppliers, buyers, brokers, and transporters alike rely on Blue Book ratings, reports, and information to make safe, informed, and profitable business decisions. For more information about Lumber Blue Book, visit
Media Contact for Blue Book Services:
Mark Erickson, Sr. Vice President
630-668-3500 /
About Madison’s Lumber Reporter
Established in 1952, Madison’s Lumber Prices is your premiere source for North American softwood lumber news, prices, industry insight, and industry contacts. The weekly Madison’s Lumber Reporter publishes current Canadian and US construction framing dimension lumber and panel wholesaler pricing information 50 weeks a year and access to historical pricing as well.
Media Contact for Madison’s Lumber Reporter:
Keta Kosman
Madison’s Lumber Reporter, est. 1952
Vancouver, BC, Canada
604 319-2266