Obituary: Donald Lois Fowler


Don Fowler passed away May 7, 2022 at the age of 97.

BB #: 261087 Natural Trade Ltd.

Donald Lois Fowler
(04/24/1925 – 05/07/2022)

He was born April 24, 1925 in Wickliffe, Kentucky to William Henry Fowler and Della D. Frayser Fowler. In his early years he worked as a shoe shiner, telegram messenger, draftsman at the bomber plant where he met his Esther. After they married, they decided to join friends in the Carnival life and travel. One reason he moved to AP was because he enjoyed fishing. He was an entrepreneur photographer, Ham radio operator and traveler. Don also loved music, dancing and storytelling.

Don moved to Aransas Pass in 1952 with his wife, Esther where they first opened their frame shop, that small business then grew into Fowler Lumber Co. Don is most remembered as a man of the old school, where your word is your bond and a handshake was concrete. He touched many lives and will be missed by all who knew and loved him.

Don had many accomplishments throughout his life that he was very proud of. He was a Sunday School teacher at First Christian Church, Past Chairman of the Advisory Board Rainbow for Girls Assembly #52, Past Adult Sponsor for the Order of DeMolay, Life member and Past Master of Aransas Lodge #1018 A.F. & A. M., he was a Recipient of the Golden Trowel Award, Past Patron and 50 year member, Aransas Pass Chapter #162 Order of the Eastern Star. He was also a 50 year member of York Rite, A.A.S.R. San Antonio, KCCH, Al Amin Shrine Temple, Red Cross of Constantine, Aransas Pass Chamber of Commerce, Aransas Pass Board of Appeals, Past District Deputy Grand Master 37th Masonic District, Past Treasurer Aransas Pass Rotary Club, Past Board Member for Commission of the Blind and he was voted Citizen of the Year in 1983. He along with his wife Esther was very active with the Aransas Pass LULAC.

He is preceded in death by his parents; first wife, Esther Ruby Fowler; second wife, Della R. Fowler; son, Lathe Minton, Jr., son-in-law Bill Rasor; Great Grandson Billy Wayne Rasor; sister, Lavetta J. Whitney; and niece, Yodi Padgett Whitney.

He leaves behind to cherish his memory, his daughter, Gwen Rasor of Fort Worth; nephew, Zane Whitney (Pam) of Aransas Pass; niece, Melissa Hunt (Dale) of Houston; daughter by choice, Anna Whipkey; ten grandchildren; 78 great-grandchildren and one on the way; eight great-great grandchildren; six great nieces and nephews; eight great-great nephews; one great-great niece; employees of Fowler Lumber; extended family members and many friends.

The family wishes to thank Don’s dedicated caregivers for their kindness, compassion and for making his last days comfortable and peaceful, Pip Herndon, Paula Steele, Irma Pulido and Tisa McRoberts, his hospice nurse Sheila, CNA Teresa, Dr. Robert Cone his staff and especially Mary.

Visitation will be held from12:00p.m.-8:00p.m. with family present from 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m. Friday, May 13, 2022 at Charlie Marshall Funeral Home. Funeral service conducted by James Hudson will begin at 10:00a.m. Saturday, May 14, 2022 also at Charlie Marshall Funeral Home. Interment will follow at Palms Memorial Gardens in Taft.

Pallbearers will be his Grandsons: Eric Rasor and Lorne Tracy, Great Nephews: Andrew Brown, Michael Padgett, Preston Padgett, Hunter Stuart. Honorary Pallbearer will be his longtime friend, Art Moss.

Online condolences may be left at

Source: Charlie Marshall Funeral Homes and Crematory