Timber Products Ampine Division Mill Fire

At approximately 12:00 PM on July 25, 2022 a fire started at the Timber Products Ampine Division particleboard mill located in Sutter Creek, CA. The fire department was on site to fight the fire within minutes. The cause of the fire is under investigation and the extent of the damage has yet to be determined. At the time the fire started, the plant was down for regular maintenance. All employees exited the building safely.
The Ampine Division plant manufactures particleboard primarily for use in the decorative overlay industry and for use in the manufacture of kitchen cabinets. The mill employs approximately 145 people.
About Timber Products
Founded in 1918, Timber Products Company produces a wide range of diversified wood products. Best known for its hardwood plywood, the company is committed to environmental sustainability and offers an integrated approach to manufacturing with nine manufacturing facilities, an international division, and a nationwide transportation and logistics division. Learn more at: timberproducts.com
Chris Knowles – Media Contact – (541) 744-4223
Source: Timber Products Company