Georgia-Pacific Wins the American Forest & Paper Association Better Practices, Better Planet 2030 Innovation in Sustainability Award for Juno® Technology

Georgia-Pacific is honored to be recognized with an Innovation in Sustainability award for Juno® Technology. The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) announced its Better Practices, Better Planet 2030 Sustainability Award winners, recognizing exemplary sustainability programs and initiatives in the paper and wood products manufacturing industry. “This is the first year we are presenting awards in alignment with our new Better Practices, Better Planet 2030 sustainability goals and statement of principles on diversity, equity, and inclusion,” said AF&PA President and CEO Heidi Brock. “It is exciting to see examples of these goals in action.”

Juno Technology is Georgia-Pacific’s breakthrough solution to waste diversion and resource recovery. It is a proven economical and socially responsible solution that can increase recycling and recovery across the U.S. and around the globe. “At Georgia-Pacific, we prioritize the development of new technologies that help us use fewer resources, minimize waste, and improve the environmental performance of our products and processes,” said Christer Henriksson, President of Juno, at Georgia-Pacific.
Juno Technology can recover up to 90% of the materials it processes, diverting them from landfills and incinerators. These materials, such as paper fiber, plastics, and metals, can then be circulated back into the economy for reuse as raw materials. Henriksson professed, “Our goal was to go deeper into the waste stream to capture more fiber for reuse without disrupting current recycling.”
Developing and bringing a new technology to market takes hard work, dedication and effort. We could not be more proud of our Juno team for receiving this award from the AF&PA.
Source: Georgia-Pacific, LLC