Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Distributors Association Celebrates 100th Anniversary

The Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Distributors Association (“PCWHDA”) will be celebrating its 100th year with an AGM and convention at the beautiful Terranea Resort, Palos Verdes, California, this May. The PCWHDA is the premier association representing the interests of hardwood lumber and panel distributors from the Western United States, Hawaii and Western Canada since 1923. The convention will include a welcoming reception and a formal dinner as well as business meetings, golf and tennis and the infamous regatta which pitches members form the north against members from the south in a good natured competition where rules are often merely suggestions.
The PCWHDA is an invitation only, peer group whose purpose is to maintain a code of ethics, promote fair competition between members and protect the interests of wholesale distribution yards. We look forward to carrying out this mandate and building friendships between members for many years to come. To learn more, visit our web site at
Source: Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Distributors Association