Metsä Group Completed the Sale of its Russian Subsidiaries to VLP Group

Metsä Group has on 13 May 2024 completed a transaction in which the ownership in the group’s Russian subsidiaries Metsä Svir LLC, Metsä Forest St. Petersburg LLC, Metsä Forest Podporozhye LLC and Metsä Board Rus LLC has transferred to VLP Group. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price of the transaction.
VLP Group operates in forestry and forest industry mainly in Vologda region, Russia. Metsä Group held a minority ownership in VLP Group during 2003–2017.
In 2022 Metsä Group stopped its business operations in Russia, including the operations of the Svir sawmill, wood procurement and paperboard sales. As result of the completed transaction Metsä Group does not hold any assets in Russia anymore.
About Metsa Group
Metsä Group is leading the way in advancing the bioeconomy. We invest in growth, bioproduct development and a fossil free future. The raw material for our products is renewable wood from sustainably managed northern forests. We focus on the growth sectors of the forest industry: wood supply and forest services, wood products, pulp, fresh fibre paperboards, as well as tissue and greaseproof papers. Metsä Group’s annual sales amount to approximately EUR 7 billion, and we have around 9,500 employees in around 30 countries. We promote a culture of diversity, equality and inclusion. Our international Group has its roots in the Finnish forests: our parent company is Metsäliitto Cooperative which is owned by over 90,000 forest owners.
Miika Arola – Group General Counsel – +358 10 465 4205
Source: Metsaliitto Cooperative