USDA: China Issues Tariff Exclusion on US Hardwood Products
On February 21, 2020, the State Council Customs Tariff Commission (“SCCTC”) announced “two tariff exclusion lists for certain U.S. products subject to Section 301 retaliatory duties. This provision applies to the 301 tariffs implemented on September 24, 2018 and increased on June 1, 2019. List I includes seven hardwood products under six tariff lines, including oak logs and lumber, cherry lumber, and ash lumber, while List II does not include any food, agricultural, or agricultural-related products. The tariff exclusions are effective from February 28, 2020 through February 27, 2021. In addition, products on List I are eligible for refunds of tariffs already collected. Relevant importing enterprises must apply for tariff refunds within six months of the publication of the announcement. NOTE: This is the second batch of tariff exclusions published as a result of applications summitted during two application periods in 2019.”
The full report can be read here.